_Our music is particu-
larly for the “passers-
by”–those who don’t
know any of the S.H.H.S.
people being mentioned.
_______ Popular music was one
interest that almost every
teenager in America
shared, to one degree or
_______ While members of each
Class deserve a major
voice in selecting the song
on its site, we have tried
to ensure an overall
balance between the
numerous pop genres.
Our only other
site guidelines:
_Must be a song that
charted on Billboard in
the relevant (Class) year;
_With a couple of exceptions,
the performer seen must
be the song’s original artist;
_______You see a live performance
(hopefully, no lip-syncing);
_______Even when a viewer has
set the Youtube mode to re-
stricted, all of the embed-
ded videos are watchable;
_______No video commercial run-
ning before (or even after)
the music; unfortunately,
some removable–but still
annoying–on-screen ads
could not be avoided.
_______ ENJOY! Those who
sample a good number
of the songs will be im-
pressed; if not by our site,
itself, then certainly by
the exceptional music!
_______ As for the sophomoric
level of some of the
humor–why not? All
graduates of SHHS were,
after all, Sophomores–
for an entire year!
______P.S. In case someone thinks
that I don't know the right
story here, better ask Jerry!